2010 Summary
- Matt's Wild Cherry - tiny, early, sweet. They get overripe, are hard not to pull the skin off when you pick so it's hard to save for a day. Give it lots of space because it overgrew a plant 18" away. I got tired of it, but the kids love it
- Sungold Cherry - a standard. Grow it again
- Yellow Bell cherry - tasty, but plant withered away.
- Black Cherry - tastes like bigger cherries. Hard to tell when ripe. Planting again
- Garden Peach - a novelty for looking/feeling like a peach. tastes ok. Grows well
- Rose de Berne - large, ugly with good taste
- Tiffen Mennonite - large, ugly good taste. Grew well
- Beefsteak - large, ugly, not many
- Brandywine - Not too many, overwhemed
- Speckled Roman plum - good eating, prolific, tasty. Grow more
- San Marzano - the standard plum. Not as many as Speckled roman. Tiny, determinite
- Little Leaf Cuke - succumed to cucumber beetles.
- Waltham Butternut - Always good. Need to add buttercup
- Trombocini - summer sqauash in summer that's better then zuccini. Winter squash at the end of the season. Slightly stringy. Sprawls. Worth growing.
- Need to grow zuccini
- French Breakfast Radishes - did nothing to ward off squash bugs. Grows fast! Good stir fried w/ garlic & onion. Have lots of seed.
- Canelinni - got enough to plant next year. Really need to trellis.
- Romano type - need to plant & trellis. Missed them this year
- Dragon beans - enough to plant, but need to trellis
- Bush beans - didn't pick, but the rabbit liked them.
- We love Peas. I planted 4 types & can't remember which types but can remember which ones I liked best :-( We didn't shell any so a sugar snap or snow type is best
- Carrots did ok. I need to plant many more
- Beets - chiogga does well & I like both bulbs and leaves
- Beets - Detroit red did well
- Brussel sprouts disappointed. Defintely a 2nd season
- Broccoli disappointed. Nothing until fall. Bolts faster then we can pick
- Cauliflower disappointed - also fall
- Fairytale eggplant - did well. we didn't pick too well.
- Rocket Arugula - easy, and excellent
- Mustard Green Wave - easy, but too sharp
- Fennel - Awesome. Need to plant again
- Lettuce - need to figure out how to do. Something near the house & away from woodchucks.
- Need to do a cabbage
- Celery - not so good on growing from seed, but transplants do well.
- Peppers - used transplants, did well
- Watermelon was great!
- Muskmelon did ok. We can do melons!
- Basil - started easily from seed. Need to do a non-peppery type.
- Dill did well & I saved lots of seed. No cukes for pickles though
- Sweet corn - very tasty. Lots of borer worms.
- Broadbeans/Fava did great. Good soil conditioner. No a large yield, but early season. It'd be good for 1st season, then plan beets or carrots or cauliflower.
- I didn't get a good yield this year, probably due to lack of watering. And fingerlings.
- Will do a large All Blue with water next year. In-laws love the ones I did for them & they had a better yield.
- Zinnias did well. Want to do more
- I wasn't able to get Marigold seeds going
- I need to do more flowers. Rows.
- Never got going with sunflowers. The tiny muliticluster ones I did do we just a seedhead.
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