I made the Donkey Ear shooting board in the last post
I needed sides on the plane to keep from tearing up the shooting board.
Plastic cutting board didn't work. Its too thin.
So I made them from oak. The heads of the screw are ~ 7mm. I need something that I can counter sink more than that and still be thick enough to be held on by the screw.
The LA Jack is a great all around plane for most woodworkers.
With the sides, the LA Jack Rabbet plane is arguably the same plane. It can do everything the LA Jack can do plus it can do rabbets.

For shooting, the handle tilts. For mitering with a Donkey's Ear, you need to shoot in both directions and the handle tilts both ways.
I'm leaving the sides square because I can create a slot on the shooting boards it can ride in.
I'm finding I prefer my #5 Jack for bench planing. I would probably prefer it to the LA Jack. I'm glad I didn't get an LA Jack but I might use this for that purpose from time to time.
I've been shooting w/ my #7 and this is much better. When I need to rabbet, this can do it. if I have lots of end grain, this is it too. Its cheaper than a shooting plane and can be left handed.