Sunday, June 24, 2012

Peas have arrived

This is from 6/16.  Today, 6/24, my daughter & I picked 10-12 pods.  4 were from this plant.

More Pictures

From 6/10/2012
 From 6/16

 These flowers have bloomed from 1-2 blossoms.  My daughter has been deadheading them.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The spreadsheet

I started a spreadsheet to track things in the garden.

Today, I got my son to help.  As you can see in the spreadsheet, we seeded a row with Watermelon and Honeydew, a row of butternut squash, a row of pumpkin and a row of buttercup squash.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Everything transplanted

Trombocino Squash

24 Fairy Tale Eggplant

At the end of the row, you can make out a trombocino squash from a transplant.  It's shot up since transplanting it monday.  I thought squash were always unhappy about transplanting.  In the foreground is one of the flowers my daughter planted.

Monday I planted our 12 tomatoes from Verrill Farm for varieties I decided not to grow from seed.  It's hard to keep track of 1 or 2 of a plant among 15.  You can see them on the left of the eggplant.  
Peas and Beans


8 Zucchini
I've got strings trailing into the beans and peas to train them up the trellis.  I'm planning at least one more row of beans next to the melon.

Wednesday, my daughter and a neighbor friend put the Zucchini seeds in.

Memorial weekend planting

The hardening off wasn't working quite so well. The plants were not happy.

However, it's time to get them in the ground. The eggplant was just right to go in. My 5 yr old put over 1/2 of them in. I have 24 fairy tale, 8-10 black, 8-10 green apple.

Tomatoes: Striped Roman, Volkov and Indigo.
Cukes: Little Leaf pickling
Trombocino squash.
Chantaruse melon
Cabbage (all 6 by my daugher). Jalepeno peppers.

I staked 2 rows of tomatoes with a florida weave. Next year, I have to work on not being so leggy.
I have 10-12 more tomatoes at Verrill Farm to go in another row.

Next is direct seeding and row for the cukes.